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"The Curate" January 2021

Writer's picture: Parish OfficeParish Office

Updated: Jan 6, 2021

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I hope this new year finds you well. I pray that your continuing celebration of our Messiah coming to us in the flesh deepens your own life in Christ.

I would imagine we all have hopes for a different year ahead than we left behind. Although we faced challenges, I would say we’ve had immense opportunity for growth, many of those opportunities taken. As we think together about the year we’ve had and the year we hope to have, consider how St. Philip’s is a part of those hopes and dreams. Consider how we might as a Body of Christ serve our community more in the year ahead. If there’s someway you’re being called to step out in faith, being Christ’s hands and feet, let’s figure out how to do that together as faithful followers of our Lord at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church.

As with any new year, we will need to elect four new members to our Vestry, our governing board, for three-year terms. That election will take place next Monday, January 11th at 6 pm on Zoom as a part of our Annual Meeting ( Although we won’t gather for our typical meal and time of fellowship, we still have important work to do—please join in that work of the Church.

On a financial note, giving was down substantially this past year, no doubt due to changes regarding job statuses and the market due to COVID-19. If you are in a fortunate position to continue supporting St. Philip’s in ways beyond your typical contributions or haven’t yet met your pledge and are able, please consider helping. Your faithfulness in all aspects of our lives together in Christ are greatly appreciated as we weather the effects of a historic pandemic. Let us find ways to carry on the tradition of being “an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual faith” in Palestine, Texas.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and a Blessed Epiphany,

Fr. Justin Briggle


The next DOK meeting will be held on Sunday, January 10th, after church in the Parish Hall at 11:45 a.m. Social distancing and masks required. Also available via Zoom for those who would rather meet virtually.

Details on the January SMG meeting

to be announced.

The next ECW meeting will be on Tuesday,

January 12th at 9:45 a.m. via Zoom.

January Birthdays

1 Birdie Sue Holmes

8 Sherry Snow

15 Linda Walton

16 Martha Polasek

19 Becky Myers

20 Melissa Cox

27 Randall King

28 Emalyn Nicholson

January Anniversaries

3 Justin & Dawn Briggle

4 John & Becky Myers

Ushers - January 2021

Curt Winkler.

Ushers—February 2021

To be announced.

November 2020 Year to Date

Beginning Balance $55,986.00 $97,586.72

Total Income $22,029.75 $187,298.26

Total Expenses $15,194.30 $222,063.53

Ending Balance $62,821.45 $62,821.45


Now that we are meeting again for in person worship, please consider contributing for Altar Flowers on a Sunday morning in Thanksgiving for an anniversary, birthday, or other blessing or in memory of someone. To give please call the Church Office at 903-729-4214.

Altar Guild Schedule:

Jan 2 - Jan 8 --------Team 2 Becky Myers, Cathy Summers, Julie Law

Linens: Kirsten Knippers

Jan 9 – Jan 15--------Team 3 Alex Nemer, Vicki Winkler

Linens: Vicki Winkler

Jan 16 – Jan 22------Team 4 Sara Minton, Kathy Stites, Hilda Garcia-Castillo

Linens: Jeanette George

Jan 23 – Jan 29------Team 1 Nancy Waggoner, Sherry Snow,

Linens: Joann Evans

Jan 30 - Feb 5 ------Team 2 Becky Myers, Cathy Summers, Julie Law

Linens: Kirsten Knippers

Lay Minister Schedule:

January 2021 Reader/Server

Sunday 1/3 10:30 a.m. Scott Nicholson

Sunday 1/10 10:30 a.m. Phillip Morton

Sunday 1/17 10:30 a.m. Sparky Kolstad

Sunday 1/24 10:30 a.m. Barbara Kolstad

Sunday 1/31 10:30 a.m. Pat Redding


Lots of fun singing Christmas Carols outside on Christmas Eve.


The morning sun pouring into our Children’s Chapel leaving a

perfect reflection of this beautiful stained glass window, designed and

built by member Martha Polasek.


December 2020 Jr. Warden report

8 December:

1. Roof over Narthex leak repairedUpdate on Parish Hall.

2. Parish Hall amplifier repair update - still awaiting parts, one computer

chip to be replaced, a group of transisters, and microphone jack. New

system cost $1100.00, cheaper to repair/replace parts.

3. Contacted Century Link re: number and type of telephone/internet

lines to church.

10 December:

1. Contacted Kent Landscaping re: when sprinkler system to be shut

down for winter.

2. Discussed retro fitting overhead lighting for LED with Peace of Mind

Electric company.

15 December:

1. Six (6) overhead lighting fixtures retrofitted for LED.

30 December:

1. Contacted East Texas Locksmith re: re-keying locks in church

2. Sexton out ill for next two (2) weeks. Contacted local Janitor service to

clean and disinfect church until Sexton returns.

Phillip O. Morton, RN

Junior Warden



Rector: Fr. Justin Briggle Cell: (512) 799-9365

Parish Assistant: Ginger Brown Treasurer: Melissa F. Cox

Sexton: Martín Rodríguez Organist/Choirmaster: Joshua Lang

Vestry Members


Joan Strominger

Gary Thomas

Terry Thorn, Sr. Warden

Jamie Ward


Bill Fraser

Phillip Morton, Jr. Warden

Tucker Royall

Bob Snow


Barbara Kolstad

Pat Redding

Mike Tisdale

Nancy Waggoner

Normal Office Hours: Monday – Thursday: 9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.

Closed Federal and Occasional Church Holidays

Phone: (903) 729-4214 Fax: (903) 729-8691

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Episcopalians in and around Palestine, Texas, living out the call to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ since 1859.


SUNDAY 10:30AM:  Rite II

WEDENSDAY 5:30PM:  Healing Service


(903) 729-4214

106 E Crawford St

Palestine, Texas 75801

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