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"The Curate" July 2020

Rector's Corner

St. Philip’s Parishioners,

We have now had the opportunity to safely enjoy five straight weeks of in-person worship accompanied by a Facebook live stream. As I look at numbers for those weeks, our Average Sunday Attendance (ASA) for in-person gatherings at 8 and 10:30 a.m. is at 26 and our average number of peak live viewers on the Facebook live stream is at 16 (a fair number of these are couples watching the service together). So, we’re reasonably at around 50 live worshippers on a Sunday morning since Pentecost. As a point of some reference, our ASA heading into the COVID-19 pandemic was at 70. Of course, there are some choosing to worship with us online at other times and days once each live video feed has been uploaded. I do wish to relay that we still have plenty of room to join us for in-person worship, as you feel safe to do so. But please don’t forget we are all continuing to wear masks and social distancing for everyones safety and well-being. As a church, we want to be able to say that we took all reasonable precautions as we worshipped our Lord Jesus Christ corporately.

One of our worship opportunities, a live video feed at 10:30 a.m. made available in the Parish Hall with greater distancing for families and communion offered, has not proven popular. In fact, it has not been used by anyone since it has been offered these last five weeks. That option means having an usher volunteer and having our sexton on standby to clean and sanitize that room and the associated bathrooms following its use. It seems wise therefore to discontinue offering this as an option for the time being. If this becomes a demand for some in the near future, it can be offered again.

We are continuing to track the COVID-19 case count and how we stand with capacity at our local hospital in making prudent decisions moving forward. There may yet be times when we return to Phase 1, gathering for worship online only. In the meantime, we continue to offer a place where we are making decisions that value the dignity of all humanity created in the image of God. I urge you to continue to pray for progress in battling COVID-19; for healthcare workers, for researchers who work to find a vaccine, and especially for those with the virus. Jesus calls us into community with one another, we must find ways to fulfill that calling even during times that make it difficult.

Our church office is now open. We are requiring face-masks and social distancing, just as in church. If you would like to meet with me, it can be arranged either in-person or virtually. For in-person meetings a well-distanced room has been set up, just let me know and I’ll be happy to visit with you.

Finally, as we find ourselves in the midst of the hot summer, a time when things typically slow down, I want to encourage you all to consider how you might find ways to safely rest. There are seasons for everything and even God rested from his work on the seventh day!

Faithfully yours in Christ,

Fr. Justin Briggle


No in person meeting in July. More details to follow regarding possible virtual meeting.

No meetings during the summer. The next SMG meeting will be September 21st at

6:00 p.m. (tentative)

No meetings during the summer.

The next ECW meeting will be

September 8th at 9:45 a.m. (tentative).

July Birthdays

13 John Cox

17 Jackie Gragg

18 Joe Faust

23 Sparky Kolstad

24 Pat Delany

24 Mary Nichols

30 Dan Raney

28 Joan Strominger

29 Jesus Garcia-Castillo Jr.

July Anniversaries

5 Bill & Caron Fraser

5 Ron & Joan Strominger

18 Billy & Sara Minton

27 Gary & Kathy Thomas

30 Bill & Kathy Stites

Ushers - July 2020

Curt Winkler & Linney Patton

May 2020 Year to Date

Beginning Balance $95,280.78 $97,586.72

Total Income $14,463.50 $105,842.61

Total Expenses $17,087.23 $110,772.28

Ending Balance $92,657.05 $92,657.05


Now that we are meeting again for in person worship, please consider contributing for Altar Flowers on a

Sunday morning in Thanksgiving for an anniversary, birthday, or other blessing or in memory of someone.

To give please call Nancy Waggoner at 903-727-2030

or the Church Office at 903-729-4214.

Altar Guild:

June 27—July 3--------Team 3 Linens: Deborah Morton

Deborah Morton, Alex Nemer, Vicki Mayberry

July 4—July 10-------Team 4 Linens: Jeanette George

Sara Minton, Kathy Stites, Hilda Garcia-Castillo

July 11—July 17-----Team 1 Linens: Joanne Evans

Nancy Waggoner, Jane Biddle, Sherry Snow, Lucie Broyles

July 18—24------Team 2 Linens: Kirsten Knippers

Becky Myers, Cathy Summers, Julie Law

July 25—31--------Team 3 Linens: Deborah Morton

Deborah Morton, Alex Nemer, Vicki Mayberry

Lay Minister Schedule:

July 2020 Reader/Server

Sun. 7/5 8:00 Phillip Morton

10:30 Sparky Kolstad

Sun. 7/12 8:00 Phillip Morton

10:30 Scott Nicholson

Sun. 7/19 8:00 Bob Blackwell 10:30 Martha Polasek

Sun. 7/26 8:00 Phillip Morton 10:30 Barbara Kolstad


Independence Day July 4 (BCP p. 242)

Lord God Almighty, in whose Name the founders of this

country won liberty for themselves and for us, and lit the

torch of freedom for nations then unborn: Grant that we and

all the people of this land may have grace to maintain our

liberties in righteousness and peace; through Jesus Christ our

Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one

God, for ever and ever. Amen.



Rector: Fr. Justin Briggle Cell: (512) 799-9365

Parish Assistant: Ginger Brown Treasurer: Melissa F. Cox

Sexton: Martín Rodríguez Organist/Choirmaster: Joshua Lang

Vestry Members


Joan Strominger

Gary Thomas

Terry Thorn, Sr. Warden

Jamie Ward


Bill Fraser

Phillip Morton, Jr. Warden

Tucker Royall

Bob Snow


Barbara Kolstad

Pat Redding

Mike Tisdale

Nancy Waggoner

Normal Office Hours: Monday – Thursday: 9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.

Closed Federal and Occasional Church Holidays

Phone: (903) 729-4214 Fax: (903) 729-8691


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Episcopalians in and around Palestine, Texas, living out the call to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ since 1859.


SUNDAY 10:30AM:  Rite II

WEDENSDAY 5:30PM:  Healing Service


(903) 729-4214

106 E Crawford St

Palestine, Texas 75801

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