Rector's Corner
St. Philip’s Parishioners,
Re-Gathering Again (UPDATED in red following our 1st in-person gathering)
I hope you've all had a chance to watch
the brief, 3-minute video, found at announcing our approval to re-gather again for in-person worship with restrictions spelled out in what is being called the "Phase II Plan" for St. Philip's. This plan was developed, following a set of guidelines from the Episcopal Diocese of Texas based on medical research and advice, in conjunction with myself as your Rector; our Senior Warden, Terry Thorn; our Junior Warden, Phillip Morton; and member and local doctor, Dr. Mike Gorby; in conversation with and with approval from our Regional Bishop out of Tyler, Suffragan Bishop Jeff Fisher; and with assistance and guidance from Missioner for Congregational Vitality, The Rev. Amy Cortright. Let me first express gratitude to this group of people!
I want to emphasize that worship will indeed look different for a good deal more time, especially as we wait for a vaccine to be developed for COVID-19. Nonetheless, we will have four worship options available for the foreseeable future:
8 a.m. Holy Eucharist: Rite I in the Church Nave
10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist: Rite II in the Church Nave
10:30 a.m. Live Video Feed of Holy Eucharist: Rite II in the Parish Hall (an option for those wanting safer distancing, more space, and communion brought to you)
10:30 a.m. Continued Facebook Live Stream of Holy Eucharist: Rite II at (wherever you have an internet connection)
The Church, Parish Hall, and restrooms will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized prior to each of the services.
A few things to note about Phase II of In-Person Worship (2 key points have been added since my last communication on this in order to continue meeting in-person):
· All attendees will be required to wear a mask, at least fabric reusable grade masks (some extras will be available at entrances to the Church and Parish Hall)
· Doors will open 15 minutes prior to the service, if you arrive earlier, please remain safely in your vehicle until the doors open
· As you arrive please allow at least 6 feet of space between you and those waiting to enter
· Upon entering you'll be provided hand sanitizer, a place to leave your contributions to the church (online giving remains an option), the option of having your temperature checked with a touch-less thermometer, and a place to pick up a comprehensive bulletin
· Go directly to an open and unoccupied seating area and do not approach other attendees already seated (this is very important, you may very well be jeopardizing their safe space without their consent)
· We will keep a confidential list of attendees should communication be required due to a COVID-19 case confirmation
· Seating has been taped off to appropriately distance, at least 6 feet, families living under the same roof
· We'll adopt the more ancient posture of prayer, standing, as you are able
· There will be no congregational singing (due to increased aerosol and droplet spread via singing), instead we may have 2 choristers, sufficiently distanced singing hymns/anthems
· Remain in place and offer the Peace of Christ at a distance to those around you
· I will invite attendees, in sections, to come forward for Communion (host only) in the Church at the foot of the chancel stairs and in the Parish Hall near the entrance
· Please take the host with you to your pew/seat and consume the host there
· I will dismiss attendees, in sections, following the end of the service, please take some hand sanitizer as you leave and feel free to take your bulletin home or drop it in the bin on your way out
· Please move directly to your vehicles as you exit the Church or Parish Hall, there will not be a "receiving line" or "coffee hour"
· Remain home if you are sick and if you are exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms, please seek out testing immediately
· Finally, 60+ year old members and those with compromised immune systems or compromised lung and heart function, should continue to engage in physical distancing as much as possible until a vaccine is available, and effective treatment is available, or there is no longer community transmission. You are encouraged to stay safe and continue worshipping with us online
I do know that this will make for a different kind of worship experience. Please understand that we are following guidelines such as these in order to do our best in loving our neighbor as ourselves, the command our Lord and Savior Jesus gives us.
Also, please know that we will be working to gain approval for opening our offices to the public in the weeks ahead. Until that time, only church staff are permitted in the office. We are still able to take your calls and respond to emails during typical office hours during this time.
I look forward to celebrating with you, however you choose to join us!
Faithfully yours in Christ,
Fr. Justin Briggle +
No meeting in June.
The next DOK meeting will be Sunday, July 5th, following the 10:30 a.m. service. (tentative)
No meetings during the summer. The next SMG meeting will be September 21st at 6:00 p.m. (tentative)
No meeting in June.
The next ECW meeting will be
July 14th at 9:45 a.m. (tentative)
June Birthdays
3 Mary Kolstad
8 Mark Davis
10 Joann Evans
10 Don Summers
15 Nancy Waggoner
16 Jane McConnell
16 Jon Weaver
18 Kathy Thomas
18 Roman Weaver
26 Marie Mills
27 Muriel Mizell
June Anniversaries
6 John & Tome'Nell Gregg
8 Frank & Martha Polasek
15 Allen & Marie Mills
18 Don & Cathy Summers
20 Linney & Tammy Patton
Ushers - June 2020
Linney Patton, Bob Snow,
And Curt Winkler.
April 2020
Beginning Balance
Total Income
Total Expenses
Ending Balance
To give Altar Flowers please call Nancy Waggoner, at 903-727-2030 or the Church Office at
Altar Guild Schedule for June 2020:
May 30—June 5--------Team 3 Linens: Deborah Morton
Deborah Morton, Alex Nemer, Vicki Mayberry
June 6—June 12-------Team 4 Linens: Jeanette George
Sara Minton, Kathy Stites, Hilda Garcia-Castillo
June 13—June 19-----Team 1 Linens: Joanne Evans
Nancy Waggoner, Jane Biddle, Sherry Snow, Lucie Broyles
June 20—June 26------Team 2 Linens: Kirsten Knippers
Becky Myers, Cathy Summers, Julie Law
June 27—July 3--------Team 3 Linens: Deborah Morton
Deborah Morton, Alex Nemer, Vicki Mayberry
Lay Minister Schedule:
June 2020 Reader/Server
Sun. 6/7 8:00 Bob Blackwell
10:30 Pat Redding
Sun. 6/14 8:00 Phillip Morton
10:30 David Brown
Sun. 6/21 8:00 Bob Blackwell 10:30 Martha Polasek
Sun. 6/28 8:00 Phillip Morton 10:30 Barbara Kolstad
Father Justin has his own special way of measuring proper social distancing.
Pre-pandemic server selfie.
Take a virtual tour through St. Philip's Episcopal Church at
Trinity stained glass window in the St. Philip’s narthex.
Practicing proper distancing and wearing our safe attire.
Rector: Fr. Justin Briggle Cell: (512) 799-9365
Parish Assistant: Ginger Brown Treasurer: Melissa F. Cox
Sexton: Martín Rodríguez Organist/Choirmaster: Joshua Lang
Vestry Members
Joan Strominger
Gary Thomas
Terry Thorn, Sr. Warden
Jamie Ward
Bill Fraser
Phillip Morton, Jr. Warden
Tucker Royall
Bob Snow
Barbara Kolstad
Pat Redding
Mike Tisdale
Nancy Waggoner
Normal Office Hours: Monday – Thursday: 9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.
(currently closed to all except staff)
Closed Federal and Occasional Church Holidays
Phone: (903) 729-4214 Fax: (903) 729-8691
Email: Website: