Beloved in Christ at St. Philip’s,
As students finish up the school year, summer approaches, and more people begin to vacation, especially now that COVID guidance eases with increasing vaccination rates and decreasing community spread, we enter a season when many focus on recreation. Recreation means enjoying yourself when you are not working, doing something for pleasure or to relax. Really what it’s about is making good use of your free time, your leisure. That word “recreation” comes from “re-creation,” meaning to create again. When we think about it like that, we very well might focus on what it means ourselves to be created in the image of God. We look around at the beautiful and magnificence of creation and can’t help but see the handiwork of our Lord, the creative genius at work. But, when we consider ourselves as made in God’s image, it means we have certain characteristics within ourselves that are like God. God Almighty was a creator, and we are creative individuals, it’s written into us.
When you seek time away from the tasks that always need doing, to find time to rejuvenate, consider those as times to live into who you’re created to be—a child of God who has it in themselves to create and re-create. These times offer us the opportunity to “rebuild our bodies and renew our minds” (BCP 825). These times offer us the rest we all need to make a right beginning of things again, to see things like we’ve forgotten how to see them.
This time of re-creation is cyclical, we don’t finish re-creating and are done, but we have the ability at our disposal when it is most needed, like a weekly sabbath, a weekend away from some job. The summer offers us a natural place to carve out space for re-creation. For my family and I that takes the form of Camp Allen Chaplain and a vacation on most summers. For you it might be a cruise, a long-awaited vacation, picking up a new hobby, getting back to something you loved doing but didn’t make time for again, diving into a book you’ve been putting off, writing some, extra time meditating with Scripture, spending time resting in God through Centering Prayer, taking hikes, sitting in silence on your porch sipping coffee and appreciating the beauty of creation, etc. If traveling is part of your re-creation process, do what Episcopalians do, attend Holy Eucharist at an Episcopal Church near you, it’s always lovely to worship with other Anglicans around the world!
It is my sincere hope that after this much needed time of re-creation on the heels of a historic pandemic, that we will return to a fall that looks more like many are hoping for. Can we be at a point in our community then that makes it safe to gather for meals together without burdensome restrictions? Will we be to a place where anyone who wants to receive a vaccine can? I pray that it is so! I know many of you are thrilled with how our new guidance has eased restrictions. I pray that things in Anderson County continue to keep us on that trajectory.
Faithfully yours in Christ,
Fr. Justin Briggle
For the Good Use of Leisure (BCP 825)
O God, in the course of this busy life, give us times of refreshment and peace; and grant that we may so use our leisure to rebuild our bodies and renew our minds, that our spirits may be opened to the goodness of your creation; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The next DOK meeting will be on Sunday, June 6th, at
11:45 a.m. in the Parish Hall. Social distancing is required and masks are available and should be worn by unvaccinated and immunocompromised persons. The meeting will also be available
via Zoom, with details to follow.
There will be no SMG meeting for the months of June, July, and August. Meetings will resume in September with details to be announced.
The next ECW meeting will be on Tuesday,
May 8th, at 10:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall. Social distancing is required and masks are available and should be worn by unvaccinated and immunocompromised persons. Also available via Zoom with details to follow.
June Birthdays
3 Mary Kolstad
8 Mark Davis
10 Joann Evans
10 Don Summers
15 Nancy Waggoner
16 Jane McConnell
16 Jon Weaver
18 Kathy Thomas
18 Roman Weaver
26 Marie Mills
27 Muriel Mizell
June Anniversaries
6 John & Tome’ Nell Gregg
8 Frank & Martha Polasek
10 Alec & Julia Law
15 Allen & Marie Mills
18 Don & Cathy Summers
20 Linney & Tammy Patton
April 2021
Beginning Balance $92,713.63
Income $14,370.50
PPP Loan Funding $ 7,707.71
Total Expenses $21,340.91
Ending Balance $93,450.93
Ushers - June 2021
Curt Winkler
Ushers - July 2021
To be announced.
Altar Guild Schedule:
June 2021
May 29 – Jun 4-------Team 3 Alex Nemer, Vicki Winkler
Linens: Vicki Winkler
Jun 5 – Jun 11 -------Team 4 Sara Minton, Kathy Stites, Hilda Garcia-Castillo
Linens: Jeanette George
Jun 12 – Jun 18------Team 1 Nancy Waggoner, Sherry Snow
Linens: Joann Evans
Jun 19 – Jun 25------Team 2 Becky Myers, Cathy Summers, Julie Law
Linens: Kirsten Knippers
Jun 26 – Jul 2---------Team 3 Alex Nemer, Vicki Winkler
Linens: Vicki Winkler
Lay Minister Schedule:
June 2021 Reader/Server
Sunday 6/6 10:30 a.m. Carol Ann Chidlaw
Sunday 6/13 10:30 a.m. Scott Nicholson
Sunday 6/20 10:30 a.m. Phillip Morton
Sunday 6/27 10:30 a.m. Barbara Kolstad
Please consider contributing for
Altar Flowers on a Sunday morning in Thanksgiving for an anniversary, birthday, or other blessing or in memory of someone. Contact the church office to sign up for your Sunday.
Regular patterns of worship are starting to return to St. Philip’s.
St. Philip’s now has a space for the
younger ones who worship with us.
We are readying the Parish Hall for future Christian Formation use.
You may also notice, we now have new welcome cards in the pews.
We would like to establish a “ Card Ministry” at St. Philip’s Church. Our first meeting will be Wednesday, June 23rd at 11:00 a.m. Cards and needed information for recipients will be provided. If you have any interest in participating or questions please call the church office at 903-729-4214 or Marian Raney at 903-922-1606. Thanks so much for your support. - Marian Raney
May 2021 Junior Warden Report
Received quote for water damage repair and venetian blinds. Planned to start in June 2021.
Met with plumber regarding removing water heater from Parish Hall kitchen for water damage repair.
Awaiting Music Store technician to finish amplifier repair.
Contacted pest control vendor to service church for report of insect sighting.
Rain penetrating west Narthex double doors. Caulked some potentialdefects. Next heavy western rain more leakage identified and caulk applied. Doors are in poor shape. Discussed with Fr. Justin and will contact resource person to discuss strategies.
Phillip O. Morton, RN
Junior Warden
Rector: Fr. Justin Briggle jbriggle@stphilipspalestine.com Cell: (512) 799-9365
Parish Assistant: Ginger Brown Treasurer: Melissa F. Cox
Sexton: Martín Rodríguez Organist/Choirmaster:
Vestry Members
Bill Fraser
Phillip Morton, Jr. Warden
Tucker Royall
Bob Snow
Barbara Kolstad, Sr. Warden
Pat Redding
Mike Tisdale
Nancy Waggoner
Melissa Cox, Treasurer
Alex Nemer, Clerk
Vincent Salaz
Joan Strominger
Normal Office Hours: Monday – Thursday: 9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.
Closed Federal and Occasional Church Holidays
Phone: (903) 729-4214 Fax: (903) 729-8691
YouTube: bit.ly/stphilipsyt
Facebook: www.fb.com/stphilipspalestine
Email: office@stphilipspalestine.com Website: www.stphilipspalestine.com