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The word acolyte comes from the Greek word meaning attendant or helper. The ministry has its roots from before the time of Jesus as the prophet Samuel assisted the Levite priest, Eli. Acolytes, those who assist in the active worship of the church, are both young and old, male and female and take varied roles. Acolytes may serve as torch bearers, cross bearers, Gospel book bearers, thurifers, servers, etc. The ministry of acolytes goes a long way in bringing a sense of dignity and respect to the public worship of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ushers and Greeters serve as the first personal encounter for those worshipping with us at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church. Don’t be surprised to have the door opened for you and to be greeted warmly by us. If you need communion brought to you in the pew, let us know and we’ll make it happen. We’re here to help. Ushers serve on monthly rotating schedules.